Sunday, September 23, 2012



This tour is designed to discover the hidden treasures of ancie nt history and the marvels of nature of the northern valleys of Pakistan. Over centuries, the land we now call Pakistan has been the cradle of many civilizations. Whilst Indus Valley civilizations (Harappa 7th millennium BC and Moenjodaro 4th millennium BC) are the landmarks of human civilizations in the southern plains of Pakistan, the Gandhara Civilization (500 BC to 10th Century AD), an era devoted mainly to Buddhism, has been the centre of spiritual influence as well as art and architecture. It was from here that Buddhism spread towards east as far as Japan and Korea. Despite the vagaries of centuries, Taxila and Swat Valley have preserved these heritages in art and craft. In addition to the museums of London, Delhi, Karachi, Srinager, etc, those at Taxila, Peshawar and Swat host the finest remains of the civilization. But the more intriguing is the visit of the archaeological sites spread all over Taxila, Swat and other parts of North West Frontier Province of Pakistan and the Northern Areas that have been discovered in the twentieth century. Driving on the Karakorum Highway, we can recapitulate the history by visiting petroglyphs that are found along the Indus, Gilgit and Hunza Rivers. These carvings bear not only the “guest books” of passing by traders and pilgrims but also depict the natural beliefs of fairy worshippers.
Along with the journey into the history, one enjoys the splendours of nature while travelling in the valleys of Swat, Indus, Gilgit and Hunza. From Dense pine forest to high passes, thundering rivers, picturesque valleys, terraced field, orchards, breath-taking gigantic peaks and shining glaciers form the salient features of nature. Typically colourful bazars of Rawalpindi and Peshawar are the additional features of this trip.
Day-1 Arrival at Rawalpindi and sightseeing.
Day-2 Visit Taxila and transfer to Peshawar.
Day-3 Sightseeing of Peshawar.
Day-4 Transfer to Swat. Enroute visit Takht Bahi site.
Day-5 Sightseeing of Swat.
Day-6 Drive to Besham over Shangla Pass.
Day-7 Continue drive to Gilgit. Enrout visit rock carvings at Shatial, Chilas and Alam Bridge.
Day-8 Sightseeing of Gilgit and visit rock inscriptions Danyore Village and Konodas and Buddha image at Kargah.
Day-9 Drive to Hunza and visit Altit and Baltit Forts.
Day-10 Reserved for optional exploration or rest.
Day-11 Full day excursion of Khujerab Pass and back to Gulmit.
Day 12 Return back to Gilgit.
Day-13 Fly or drive back to Rawalpindi.
Day-14 Fly home.

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